This website has been created as part of an English as an Additional Language (EAL) graduate level course at Brandon University. The course provided an analysis of fundamental issues, concepts, theories and pedagogies related to English as an Additional Language (EAL). Our aim in creating this website was to share the learning of our class in the hope of providing support for communities, schools, and teachers in order to deliver EAL/ESL programs, to incorporate best teaching practices in mainstream classrooms, and to better address the educational needs of English language learners.
We believe that English language learners are emergent bilinguals/plurilinguals (Garcίa, Kleifgen & Falchi, 2008). However, throughout this website, you may also encounter other terms that all refer to these culturally and linguistically diverse learners. These terms may include: English as an Additional Language (EAL), English as a Second Language (ESL), English Language Learners (ELL). In Manitoba, the term EAL is most commonly used.
About the Instructor: